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Booking Terms

Important Booking and Appointment Guidelines

To ensure the smooth processing of your appointment with us and to adhere to our cancellation policy, we kindly request that your card details be secured at the time of booking if this is your first time scheduling with us. This secures your booking and helps us maintain fairness for all clients.

Upon booking your appointment, we will promptly send an email to the address provided. This email will contain:

- Detailed preparation information
- Our address
- Frequently asked questions
- A link to complete your Health Questionnaire and Medical History form

It is important to carefully and accurately fill out these forms prior to attending your appointment.

Additionally, you can expect a reminder email and a text message 24-48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.

While we strive to adhere to appointment times, we ask for your understanding in case of any delays. Given the individual nature of the human body, occasional delays can arise. Therefore, we recommend allowing some flexibility and allocating sufficient time for your appointment.

Please note: Arriving more than 20 minutes late will result in a forfeit of your appointment. In such cases, your payment will not be refunded, and you will still be responsible for paying the full remaining session cost based on our Late Cancellation/No Show Policy.

Please plan accordingly, considering factors such as traffic and unexpected incidents. We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Important Booking and Appointment Guidelines

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At Gravity Colon Therapy, we strive to offer exceptional care to all our clients. Unfortunately, last-minute cancellations prevent us from accommodating other clients who may be in need of our services. Therefore, we require credit/debit card details at the time of booking.

For first-time visitors, the full price of the appointment will be charged upfront at the time of booking. This policy has been implemented due to previous instances of no-shows, which have resulted in financial loss for us.

Cancellation Charges:

- If you cancel your appointment within 24 hours (at our discretion), your card will be charged 50-100% of the appointment cost.
- In the case of a no-show or missed appointment, the full price of the session will be charged, without exceptions.

We understand that occasionally, people may forget about their appointments. However, since you will have received three reminders (via SMS and email), this reason cannot be accepted.

Please note: If you arrive late, your treatment may be shortened, but the full price of the appointment will still apply.

We want to emphasise that there are no exceptions to this policy, and we kindly request that you do not feel disappointed when it is enforced. This policy ensures fairness and allows us to provide efficient and effective services to all our clients.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.